Custom SWG Content and Patch Notes
Last Client Content Patch: V1.2, 12/1/2024
Make sure that you have the latest content patch. Otherwise you may experience crashes, missing content, or missing strings.
Currently in development:
- Quest to implement multi-ship certification. This quest will be granted by an NPC on Ord Mantell Space Station and will allow master pilots to fly ships from other factions.
- Removal of faction restrictions for some armor and weapons.
- NASA-inspired decorations and clothing
- Experimenting with adding new clothing.
- Might implement limited ability to do multi-profession character building.
Contact me if you have any feature or content requests, or if you want to learn how to create content.
Released (Last Update 12/1/2024):
New Content:
- Death Watch Bunker Revamp: Added more customization to Death Watch Bunker NPCs, replaced droids with Mandalorians, increased drop rates of Mandalorian armor components, added ability to craft Crusader armor, significantly decreased cool-down timer for Alum Mineral quest, increased number of mandalorian armor component drops on Black Sun NPCs on Yavin IV.
- Death Watch Corellian Corvette Dungeon: New Corellian Corvette instance featuring Death Watch NPCs, who drop Crusader armor components and objects used to create Jango Fett's Jetpack. Talk to Vica at the Endor Smuggler Outpost to begin the quest.
- Blue Frog (Character Builder Terminal) Additions: Added ability to create weapons at different damage tiers, added crates that spawn ship components at different tiers, added cheat items that give god-like crafting stats or combat stats, added some rare items and crafting components.
Game Revisions:
- Blue Frog (Character Builder Terminal) currently placed in Mos Eisley and in Space Land (player city on Corellia)
- All veteran rewards and special event awards are available at character creation. Use /claim to obtain these items.
- Significantly increased number of housing lots, housing storage, POB ship storage, inventory storage, bank storage, backpack storage, furniture storage (such as chests and bookcases), number of ships, number of decorated POB ships, hopper size for factories, datapad storage, waypoint storage.
- Set housing maintenance to 0. Removed code that revokes city citizenship after 6 weeks of inactivity. Decreased minimum number of players for player cities.
- Removed profession requirements from Mandalorian armor. Changed Mandalorian helmet appearance for some races.
- Re-wrote core game code to allow for multi-profession gameplay. This currently is only applicable to God Mode.
Introduction to SWG
Come play Star Wars Galaxies on
our custom MMO server!
The server is managed by Spaceguy5, and is pre-paid until November 2026. [If anyone wants to donate to server hosting costs, that would be extremely appreciated! Otherwise the game might shut down at that point].
Custom content (like new quests, decorative items, vehicles, clothing, etc) may be added from time to time. If anyone wants to join the development team, let me know and I can teach how to add and edit content.
What is SWG?
SWG is a Star Wars MMO that features 12 different open-world planets, 7 combat professions, and 5 non-combat professions (4 types of crafters, and entertainers who perform music and dance). SWG also has flight simulator style space combat (including flying multi-person starships with turret gunners), 'beast master' which gives the ability to tame and raise animals, and the ability to build houses/cities and decorate them. Ever wanted your own custom-decorated ship like the Millennium Falcon? You can do that.
Click the Register button on the right to set up an account.
1. Click "Register" on the right.
2. You do not need to enter your real name. You can just enter your username or something else in the "Name" box.
3. Enter the username that you want to use in-game.
4. Enter a valid e-mail address (see note below on multi-account registration). This is primarily used for password reset.
5. An activation e-mail will be sent to you. Click the activation link to enable your account.
6. Once registered, you can use the same username and password to log into the game.
Multi-Account Registration: Account registration requires a unique email per username, but you can bypass this with plus addressing (for example, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or similar. This SWG server explicitly allows and encourages multi-accounts, because that makes small servers more accessible.
Password Resets: If you forget your username or password, you can automatically reset these yourself using the built-in tools that are tied to your e-mail address. If these do not work, contact me and I can manually perform a reset.
Note: Username is extremely important. Username is tracked separately on the authentication and game databases. If we can't locate your game username, then your account can't be accessed.
Make sure that you have an SWG client with the proper login IP address configured and the proper content patch installed. If I did not provide these, contact me. If you don't know what those things are, then you probably are not supposed to be here.
How to play:
1. Download the game client. Contact me for the google drive link.
2. Unzip into a folder anywhere on your computer
3. Run SwgClientSetup_r.exe to configure the display options (Screen resolution, whether to use fullscreen, windowed, or borderless windowed. I like borderless windowed)
3. Run SwgClient_r.exe to launch the game. You may be required to launch as an administrator
3. If my server is up, it should auto connect. Use the username and password registered from this website.
Important Information
Game play Balance
This server has some changes to game play balance to make it more accessible and less grindy for a small community, and for people who can't dedicate the time required for a mid-2000s MMO (if you've played one, you know how hard the grind is). These changes are mainly focused on XP multipliers and drop rates for exceptionally rare items. Some items also have equip requirements and trade-blocking removed to make it more fun and accessible.
If people disagree with these changes, I have full control over the code, and we can program in our own changes. Let me know if you think that the balance needs adjusted.
XP Multiplier
XP multiplier is set to 15, because the grind at mid/high levels sucks, but lots of content requires level 60+. Let me know if this is too high.
Character Limitations
You can create 10 characters per account. You can create multiple accounts. You can also log multiple accounts in at the same time by running multiple client instances. The /follow command makes playing multiple characters at once a lot easier, and there are even auto-attack commands.
Blue Frogs (Free items and character configuration for non-admin accounts)
Because the community is small, 'blue frogs' are placed in certain locations. These are objects that, when clicked on, will provide a menu with options such as spawning resources, spawning certain items, spawning vehicles/houses/starships, changing player profession/level, and more. You do not need admin mode enabled to use a blue frog.
Currently Blue Frog locations: Mos Eisley (starting city after completing the new player tutorial), Space Land (Player city on Corellia)
Useful info for first-time players
Esc: Open main menu (think of it like the windows start menu)
O: Open options menu
i: Open inventory
U: Open expertise menu (View expertise, which is a system for assigning special skills with expertise points)
P: Open profession screen (view experience prograss)
V: Open world map
M: Open local map
K: Open datapad (View/spawn vehicles, view unlocked crafting schematics, view waypoints which help with navigation)
C: View character stats
L: Toggle light
Y: Toggle auto aim
; : Open command browser. This is also where you can create macros (scripts that run commands in a set order)
~: Open radial menu, used to give options for various objects. Very important
Alt: Toggle mouse mode. Very important
[1, 2, 3, ... =]: Use a skill or macro on your toolbar. Use Shift + number to do the second row. You can also put vehicles on the toolbar. Very important
/ : Begin input into chat box. If you want to type a message, immediately hit backspace to erase the / Very Important
Tab: Auto target enemy in front of you.
Middle mouse click: Target object in front of you (extremely useful even for inanimate objects)
Num lock: Turn on auto-run. Also applies to vehicles and mounts (animals that you ride)
. (on numpad): Toggle chase camera
Ctrl Shift H: Hide GUI
Prnt Scrn: Save Screenshot (jpg in client folder)
Useful commands
/follow: Follow player or object
/tell <player>: Direct message to another player, even if they are on a different planet
/examine <object>: Examine an object, useful for viewing info about an object.
/target <object>: Target an object by name
/move: Move around objects inside player housing or starships. Used for decorating.
/rotate: Same as above, but for rotating objects.
/invite <name>: Invite a player to a group party
/group <message>: Send a message to everyone in your party.
/guild <message>: Send a message to everyone in your guild (need to enable guild chat in your chatbox config)
/pvp: Relevant if you join either Imperial or Rebel factions. 1st use: Allows you to attack NPCs of opposite faction. 2nd use: Allows you to attack players of opposite faction (who also have the setting turned on)
/duel <player>: Request a duel with another player.
/note <optional: title>: Create, view, or edit a text file where you can put helpful information. These are placed in the client directory. You can have more than one note file if you define a title.
/trade <player>: Open trade menu with another player, to trade items or money
/macro <name>: Run a macro script that you programmed. Macro scripts can also be added to the toolbar
/claim: Claim rewards. When you first login, you'll get a menu about rewards that are given to all new players. This command brings that menu back up if you close it.
/transfer: Transfer building ownership to another player
There is a ridiculously large number of commands. More info here:
Enabling Copy and Paste
For some stupid reason, this is disabled by default. In Options -> Keymap -> Chat, you can configure chat edit copy and paste. You need to do this even if you want to paste info into macros!
The server is configured to give rewards to all new players. You'll get a popup when you first login. You can also open the popup with /claim.
The most important rewards that every new player should claim are a vehicle (such as the BARC speeder) and an Instant Travel Vehicle (several styles available, it spawns an object that when you click on it, you can travel to a different city on the planet). Mounts (animals you can ride) are also available. Some areas in the game don't allow vehicles, but allow you to travel on mounts. Very important for traveling around the galaxy!
Using hex codes to color item names
Some items (like storage boxes, backpacks, and player housing signs, etc) can have a color added to their name using hex codes. The format is to put this in front of the name: \\#FF00FF\\
Recommended quest order for new players to level up
The maximum level is 90.
Recommended order (This list is not all-inclusive and there is other content at various levels):
1. New player tutorial. You cannot access this again after you leave, even though it unlocks some special items and badges (which are like achievements.)
2. Legacy quest line. This automatically starts for new players. This quest line is extremely long and goes through multiple planets. It's a good introduction to the game.
3. Kashyyyk. This is good once you reach around level 40 or 50. Some content requires higher levels, in the 70-90 level.
4. Mustafar. Lots of content here requires you to be at least level 60, with much of it requiring you to be close to the level cap.
5. After reaching the level cap, the "heroics" quests are doable. These involve special quests fighting against unique mobs in timed instances. These include the Star Destroyer raid, the Battle of Echo Base on Hoth, the Tusken Army in Tatooine, IG-88's Droid army, Exar Kun's sith temple, and the raid against Axkva Min and the nightsisters (sith witches).
Some of the higher level content requires having groups of 3 to 8 players, unless you're using cheat items.
There are also other quests and "theme parks" scattered across the galaxy, such as (but not limited to) the Meatlump theme park on Corellia (for low-mid level), the Death Watch Bunker on Endor (for maximum level), the Corellian Corvette raids (for 70 to max level), the Battle of Restuss on Rori, and the Galactic Civil War battlefields that are spread throughout the galaxy. Plus more.
Mission terminals, which are found in major cities, can be used to help grind XP if you are stuck between quest lines and still need more XP.
Space Combat
Space combat is leveled separately from ground combat. There are pilot trainers throughout the galaxy to give skills as a Neutral, Rebel, or Imperial pilot. Each faction has 3 different squadrons. Each squadron has a separate quest line.Once reaching max level in space, you can fight against the Corellian Corvette and the Star Destroyer in Kessel or Deep Space, or complete quests in Ord Mandell as end game content.